Team 314e

This Is What 37 EHR Training Leaders Told Us

14 May, 2024 | 3 Min Read

In case you missed it, here’s a quick recap of our last chat - it’s like brain candy for training (and even learning) enthusiasts:

6 really crisp tips to make EHR training stick for your learners…

Alrighty, after that brain dump (fueled by a questionable amount of coffee, let’s be real), we got curious. How far have we REALLY come… in terms of training?

Buckle up because we’re about to trip down memory lane, Indiana Jones style! Grab your fedora and whip… we’re going on a quest to unearth some training methods.

Picture this: way back when cavemen roamed the earth, they were like the OG trainers…passing down their survival skills to their kids. It was like a real-life “How to Train Your Dragon” but… with spears and mammoths.

That’s what we call on-the-job training, folks, and it’s been around since the dawn of time!

Now, let us introduce you to Lao-Tzu, the OG philosopher. He once dropped this wisdom bomb:

“Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I learn.”

Think of it like this: if you wanna learn how to ride a bike, you can read all the manuals you want, but you won’t really get it until you hop on that bike and start pedaling.

Fast forward to today, and we’re still trying to crack the code on training. We’ve got all this fancy tech, but after speaking to 37 EHR training leaders, it feels like we’re stuck in a hamster wheel. We go full-throttle at the start (during go-live), but then… it’s like the training vanishes into thin air, like socks in the laundry.

It’s like planting a garden.

EHR Training is like planting a garden_EHR Training Newsletter 314e

You put all this effort into planting the seeds (aka the initial training), but then you just leave them to fend for themselves. The same goes for EHR training. It’s not a one-and-done deal; it’s a constant cycle of learning, adapting, and improving.

Remember Aristotle? He was all about walking and talking. He knew that learning sticks best when it’s woven into your everyday life when you’re in the flow of things. It’s like trying to learn how to navigate EHR systems by sitting in a classroom versus diving into real cases while you’re on the job. Which one sounds more engaging and effective?

Your grasp of EHR systems deepens when you actively use them in your workflow, not just passively absorbing information. So, if we want our EHR training to truly make a difference, we’ve gotta integrate it seamlessly into the way people work and learn.

So, what’s the takeaway? EHR training shouldn’t be a one-and-done deal. It’s like baking a cake—you gotta keep checking on it, adding ingredients, and giving it a stir every now and then. That way, you end up with a masterpiece instead of a burnt mess!

P.S. Thirsty for more? See Why Ongoing EHR Training is a Modern Healthcare Must-Have.

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