Best Practices for Students Taking E-learning

06 May, 2021 | 3 Min Read | By 314e Employee
  • Category: EHR Training and Ongoing Support
  • E-learning is a wonderful way to train all styles of learners. Because it is newer than the traditional live lecture/training style that all students are accustomed to, it will need to be supported and trained.

    Most software needs some training on basic navigation to support the foundational understanding to set the learner up for success. Once the basic foundational learning is accomplished, the learner will be very successful in e-learning.

    Steps for Success in E-learning:

    1. Review the navigation of the e-learning courses and the LMS (Learning Management System) that holds the course. It is suggested to log in a day or two before the course starts and review the basic navigation help tips and videos of the system and course. Once you have an understanding of the “Lay of the Land,” then you will not be lost on the first day.
    2. Understand the learning practices, expectations of the courses, and time management needed before the class starts. By reviewing the material that is sent to you and by reviewing the course outline you will get a better understanding of what is needed. This may vary depending on the need for e-learning. Is it for one course for work? Or is this an online certification class? The longer the e-learning series, the increased the need for time management structure. If the learner is taking one course may not need as much time to review the course.
    3. Schedule the time to do the course. It is important to ensure that there is a block of time that can be dedicated to the e-learning course. If the course is outlined for 3 hours, add 2 hours for reading and to walk through the materials and exams. Complete all learning tasks. If the course is several days or sessions it is suggested to create a learning schedule. Never leave the assignments to the due date. All too often these assignments are not reviewed and the correct amount of time is not allocated to the assignments and the student is up against the timeline due date.
    4. Reliable Internet Access is very important. If the learner is participating in hybrid learning and needs to view live lectures make sure that there is a backup plan if the internet goes down. Using a phone as a hotspot is good for an emergency backup. Also making sure the lecture is recorded and available after the live virtual lecture is completed. This is also a good backup for reviewing the material. Always make sure that there is enough time just in case there are internet issues and the work cannot be uploaded before the due date and time. Most courses will allow for uploads, and then the learner can re-upload a better copy of course material. But once the due date has passed, the dropbox is closed or locked. Uploading on a regular basis is a good habit to get into.
    5. Have a dedicated space. If this is in your home or work office or in-between it is important that while you are working you have the space to work in that ensures the place is quiet, distraction-free, organized, and available for use. The learner needs to be focused on the screen and even if you’re in your office you may want to use a headset and mic. So when that colleague comes in to ask a question they see that you are focused online and they can come back at a later time. Have enough room to write and to be able to do the work that is needed for the course.


    Taking the steps to ensure success for the learning in e-learning will decrease the stress and lay a strong foundation. The objective is to set the learner up for success.

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