Role-based Access Control

Unveiling Dexit's Role-based Access Control for Unparalleled Health Information Security

31 January, 2024 | 3 Min | By Alyssa Dennis
  • Category: Healthcare Document Management
  • Sensitive patient information privacy and security are paramount concerns of the Health Information Management (HIM) industry. So, one of the primary things that any HIM manager would look for in their healthcare document management software would be an efficient access control feature that would ensure the optimum protection of their Patient Health Information (PHI).

    Dexit is a HIPAA-compliant healthcare Document Management System that has been curated by seasoned Healthcare Information Management leaders who have first-hand experience with the existing healthcare document management challenges in the industry. One of the unique features of Dexit is its Role-based Access Controls that provide PHI access to users based on their specific roles. In this blog, we will delve into the nuances of Dexit’s Role-based Access Control feature and how they play an important role in driving Dexit to the forefront of healthcare document management.


    1. Existing Challenges With PHI Security in the Healthcare Industry
    2. Dexit’s Solution

    1. Existing Challenges With PHI Security in the Healthcare Industry

    The healthcare industry faces numerous challenges in securing Protected Health Information (PHI), primarily due to the sensitive nature of patient data and the increasing complexity of healthcare systems.

    1. Unauthorized Access to Patient Health Information: Ensuring restricted access to PHI is challenging, as unauthorized individuals may attempt to breach Electronic Health Records, jeopardizing patient privacy and confidentiality.
    2. Data Breaches: The healthcare sector faces the constant threat of data breaches, exposing PHI to malicious actors who exploit vulnerabilities in information systems, leading to potential misuse or sale of sensitive patient data.
    3. Employee Turnover: High turnover rates in healthcare staff can result in lapses in PHI security, as departing employees may retain access or fail to follow proper data protection protocols, increasing the risk of unauthorized disclosure.
    4. Compliance with Regulations (e.g., HIPAA): Meeting stringent regulatory requirements, such as those outlined in HIPAA, poses a challenge for healthcare organizations, necessitating continuous efforts to implement and maintain robust security measures for PHI.
    5. Complex Workflow Requirements: The intricate and interconnected nature of healthcare workflows complicates PHI security implementation, making it challenging to seamlessly integrate protective measures without disrupting essential clinical processes.
    6. Audit Trail Effectiveness: Ensuring the effectiveness of audit trails for monitoring and tracking access to PHI is a challenge, as the sheer volume of data generated in healthcare systems can make it difficult to identify and investigate potential security incidents in a timely manner.

    2. Dexit’s Solution

    Embracing the most current healthcare standards, Dexit goes beyond the basics to provide ultimate healthcare data security for health organizations. One of its standout features is the implementation of its Role-based Access Controls, which offer unparalleled flexibility and adaptability in managing system security and user settings.

    1. Controlling Access With Precision

    Dexit's Role-based Access Controls empower administrators to finely tune user permissions. Whether it's launching the program independently, adjusting various settings, or accessing specific queues and document types, organizations have granular control. This level of precision ensures that only authorized personnel can access and modify critical data, reducing the risk of unauthorized breaches.


    Image 1: Dexit’s RBAC feature allows users to finely tune user permissions

    2. Granular Control Over Fax Numbers

    In the healthcare sector, even access to specific fax numbers can be a sensitive matter. Dexit allows administrators to exercise control over who has access to specific fax numbers, adding an extra layer of security to sensitive communications.

    Roles and queues

    Image 2: Dexit empowers users to have control over who has access to fax numbers

    3. Flexibility in Role Definition

    The flexibility provided by Dexit extends beyond the organization's boundaries. Administrators can create and define roles for new users, even those external to the organization. This feature streamlines onboarding processes and ensures security measures are maintained even when collaborating with external parties.

    4. Localized Security Settings Management

    Unlike many integrated enterprise Document Management Systems that centralize control at the vendor level, Dexit empowers organizations with localized control. Client system administrators have direct access to security settings, batch settings, fax settings, and more. This not only expedites organizational changes but also facilitates swift responses to access requests.

    5. A Relief From Vendor-level Constraints

    Dexit’s approach to security is a breath of fresh air for organizations that have historically grappled with vendor-level constraints. Many integrated enterprise Document Management Systems impose controls at the vendor level, leading to compromises in established workflows and unnecessary delays. Dexit's localized approach ensures that organizations can tailor security measures to fit their unique needs without sacrificing efficiency.

    By prioritizing adaptability, precision, and flexibility, Dexit not only meets but exceeds the security demands of the industry. As healthcare organizations navigate the challenges of an increasingly digital landscape, Dexit stands as a reliable ally, safeguarding the integrity of patient data and empowering organizations to manage their security with unparalleled control.

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